4. (2018, forthcoming) “On bangles and horses. Use and abuse of glass bracelets on military and indigenous sites in Roman Britain,” in J. Coulston (ed.) Cavalry in the Roman World. Proceedings of the 19th International Roman Military Equipment Conference, St. Andrews 2016. Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 19.
3. (2018) “Multifunctionality of a Romano-British glass bangle: between theory and practice” in Ivleva T., de Bruin, J. and Driessen, M. (eds) Embracing the Provinces: Society and Material Culture of the Roman Frontier Regions. Oxbow, Oxford, 71-87.
2. (2018) “Romano-British glass bangles” Datasheet no. 9 for Roman Finds Group
1. (2018) with E. Greene, U Rothe, M. Carroll, A. Croom and D. Breeze "The female frontier. Tracing the lives of women on the edges of the Roman Empire', Current Archaeology 341, 18-27